The Problem

With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, online learning has become the norm. From this, a large disparity has emerged between students with access to technology and those without.

Our Story

CompShare was founded by two high school students who noticed this disparity first-hand and took it upon themselves to develop a solution: forming a network between various donors and people in need. They quickly received dozens of donations and began serving students who otherwise would have been left behind.

CompShare Today

Each day, CompShare receives more requests from students ranging from those that are starting their first day of elementary school to adults finishing up their GED. We are always looking for generous donations in order to provide for the growing number of students relying on us.


CompShare’s long term goals are simple: help as many underserved students as possible in the most meaningful ways. To do this, CompShare is always seeking new venues to expand their donation network that they have created between donors and students.